Spelling mode has finally arrived. This gives the user the ability to spell out words, acronyms, abbreviations or anything that MacSpeech Dictate is not able to interpret. This will be a great addition to the features of MacSpeech Dictate.
Phrase training has also been introduced. This is a very smart feature, as MacSpeech Dictate analyzes what you are saying, possible matching phrases appear in a "Recognition" window. If the spoken phrase required is not the one transcribed by Dictate the Recognition window will show a list of alternate phrases. The user simply needs to "pick" the corresponding number next to the required phrase and Dictate will insert that phrase instead. This has two major benefits, 1. it increases the speed of transcription as time is not wasted amending the dictation and 2. this process actually helps improve the accuracy of Dictate over time as it learns from your speech and dictation patterns.
These two new features can be seen briefly in our lastest MacSpeech Dictate YouTube video below.