Friday, 18 September 2009

What recorder shall I take to the conference? - Olympus WS-450S, LiveScribe Pulse Smartpen or iProRecorder iPhone app

I was fortunate enough to attend FlyingSoloLive at the Australian Technology Park in Sydney this week where I met and listened to some great Australian business people.

The day was made up of mainly keynote presentations listening the experiences of Australian business people, their thoughts and their advice.

I decided to take along three recording devices to see how they would cope with a day of recording and how good the audio quality really was. The devices were:
For the full review of how these performed with sample audio from each head to our main blog site:

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

MacSpeech Dictate International Announced - Support for French, Italian and German Speakers

Annouced out of the MacSpeech head office in the US today is a new Mac only voice recognition product called MacSpeech Dictate International. This adds to MacSpeech's current range of only English speaking (with various accents like Australian) speech recognition software and now adds support for French, Italian and German speakers.

More on our main blog site:

Monday, 14 September 2009

Philips Dragon NaturallySpeaking DVR Digital Voice Recorder Edition

New from Philips and Nuance is the Dragon NaturallySpeaking Digital Voice Recorder Edition, a bundle containing a cut down version of Dragon NaturallySpeaking version 10 and a Philips Digital Voice Tracer 660 digital voice recorder.

The is a very cheap entry into the voice recognition world and well worth a look, especially if you are someone who is used to recording dictation into a voice recorder for a secretary or transcriptionist to transcribe.

The Dragon software, although using the latest speech recognition technology on the Dragon voice recognition engine, is a cut down version in terms of features when compared to the basic Standard Edition or the more advanced Preferred Edition. Both of which come with a headset and mic and allow you to dictate directly to your PC. With the Voice Recorder Edition only dictation recorded on a digital voice recorder can be transcribed.

For the full review of Dragon NaturallySpeaking DVR Edition please visit our main blog site: