On a Mac the Olympus DSS Player Version 7 Plus software will convert your audio, will let you play your audio and you can even edit your audio but auto email it - no. So what can a Mac user do to save some time and automatically get their dictation across to their typist when their DS-5000 is docked - Dropbox.
Dropbox is an awesome free service which has been around for a while and automatically syncronises files in a special Dropbox folder on your Mac (or PC) with the cloud and with other computers linked to your Dropbox account and even your iPhone and iPad.
By using Dropbox in conjunction with the DSS Player Version 7 Plus software for Mac and by sharing a folder with your typist or transcription service you can easily share files with your transcription provider. Not only that, once they have completed transcription all they need do is drop the completed document in their Dropbox folder and it is instantly delivered back to you, securely.
For a closer look at using Dropbox with your Olympus DS-5000 as a transcription workflow solution on Mac head over to our main blog. To grab a copy of Dropbox for yourself - click here.