Friday, 30 December 2011

Dragon Site Licences For Education [Australia] - What You Need For Your School or Uni

Our focus at Dictate Australia in 2012 is to bring Dragon to schools, TAFEs and universities. Educational facilities across Australia can take advantage of some great discounted pricing from Nuance in order to get students using and creating using just their voice on Mac and Windows computers.

In our latest blog post we look at the site licence or volume licence model for education in Australia. How the licences are determined (by machine install rather than per use) and the benefits of taking out optional maintenance and support on Nuance Dragon products.

As always, click the title above to head to our main blog and the in depth post.

Monday, 5 December 2011

Speak To Tweet - Dragon Voice Recognition Updates Twitter

In the latest round of software updates for Nuance's collection of voice recognition software for Windows (Dragon NaturallySpeaking) and Mac (Dragon Dictate) voice commands were added for status updates to Twitter (and Facebook) using just a voice command.

"Post to Twitter" is all you need to say to bring up a dialogue box ready for your speech recognised tweet.

Head to our main blog, click the title above, to see a quick how to video of my very first voice tweet.