Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Going Digital - Compare The Olympus Dictaphones

Olympus, the leaders in digital voice in Australia and most other parts of the world, have three digital dictaphones in their Pro and advanced range of digital voice recorders. Typically used by single speakers (people who dictate on their own) to record letters, notes etc these are popular in the medical and legal sectors.

Digital dictaphones differ from digital notetakers in that they can stop and start audio, emulating the old style tape recorders - whereas notetakers are designed to record with a defined start and stop, e.g. when recording interviews, meetings, lectures and focus groups.

In the Olympus range are three digital dictaphones - DS-2400, DS-3400 and DS-5000. In our latest blog post we compare these three in detail and explain the differences between each. We also offer some advice for people looking to upgrade from analogue tape dictaphones to digital.

In Australia these digital dictaphones are only available from authorised Olympus Pro dealers, look for this logo when shopping in Australia. Dictate Australia ( ) is an Olympus Gold Pro Dealer.

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