Thursday, 28 July 2011

Mac OS X 10.7 Lion - Not Friendly With MacSpeech Scribe

Since the flurry of new releases in the last week from both Apple, with OS X 10.7 Lion and Nuance with Dragon Dictate 2.5, we have had a few phone calls and emails asking about some of the older MacSpeech products.

Not so much MacSpeech Dictate as most users seem to have upgraded to the Nuance offering of 2.0 but many are still using MacSpeech Scribe. Like most Apple users they are keen to get their hands on the latest and greatest anything from Apple.

Unfortunatly, in an update on the Nuance for Mac wesbite, the news is out that MacSpeech Scribe is not supported in OS X 10.7 Lion and users of this product will need to stay on 10.6 Snow Leopard if they want to continue using MacSpeech Scribe.

MacSpeech Scribe takes only recorded audio from a digital voice recorder and transcribes voice to text rather than speaking directly to your Mac.

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Dragon Dictate for Mac - Free Update To 2.5 - Use iPhone As Remote Mic

Nuance have been busy this week, first an update for the Windows crowd and yesterday a bump for the Mac crowd. If you are a registered user of Dragon Dictate 2.0 you will receive a free update to version 2.5 via check for updates.

Go grab the free Dragon Remote Mic from the iTunes app store and give your iPhone a go as a remote mic, its very cool and only takes the usual 5 minutes to voice train.

Also new in this release:

  • Microsoft Word 2011 for Mac support
  • Social media updates to Twitter and Facebook via voice command

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Its Here Australia - Dragon NaturallySpeaking Free Upgrade to 11.5

Finally, today I received a popup on my desktop to let me know that my free upgrade from Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11 to 11.5 is now available for download, you can imagine the excitement (if you can't picture an old bloke, standing, punching the air going "whoop whoop").

Here's a tip, if you have more than one Dragon NaturallySpeaking to upgrade choose the download option, its a near 500mb file so will save you time and bandwidth.

If you are a Premium or Professional user, while you are waiting for the upgrade to download head over to your local iTunes store and grab the Nuance Dragon Remote Mic app for your iPhone, I think we are all going to love using our iPhone's to dictate wirelessly.

Friday, 15 July 2011

Roarrrrrrr - Dragon Dictate & Lion, Compatible?

Any second now Lion will be upon us and Apple fans around the world will be watching as the huge 3Gb+ download slowly makes its way to our Macs.

But what of Dragon Dictate from Nuance, will it still work under Lion? Head over to our main blog and take a look ... (click this blog post title to go straight there)

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Olympus DM-3 vs Olympus DM-5

Choosing a digital voice recorder can be a little frustrating sometimes, mainly due to the huge range of digital voice recorders all sporty a thousand features. Fortunatly there are people like me who know the best digital voice recorders, Olympus, inside out.

In our latest blog post we look at two of the higher range digital notetakers (perfect for interviews, meetings, focus groups), the Olympus DM-3 and the Olympus DM-5. To look at they appear to be the same, except for the colour, but there are a few features available on one and not the other. We detail the maximum recording times on both along with the features that the DM5 has that the DM3 doesn't to help you decide on the right model for you.

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Latest Firmware v1.20 for Olympus DM-3 & DM-5

The latest firmware for the Olympus DM3 and Olympus DM5 digital voice recorders is available now for download and install. The update (from version 1.10) adds some new functionality to the DM-3 and DM-5 recorders, the list of updates from the previous release are:
  1. Support the functions of USB microphone or Speaker.
  2. Supports the function to register the voice keywords for the schedule.
  3. Supports the function to register the voice memos for the schedule.
  4. Supports the playback for audio files from the schedule list display.
  5. Improve the volume setting when the text file is spoken out.
  6. Supports to directly connect the device to CD drive and import DAISY contents from CD (Only for DM-5)
Not sure which firmware version you have on your Olympus DM3 or DM5? Head over to our main blog where we explain how to find your current firmware version: click here

Saturday, 2 July 2011

How To Update The Firmware: Olympus DM-3 / DM-5 Digital Voice Recorders

A new feature that has started to creep into the higher end digital voice recorders of late from Olympus is the ability to update the onboard firmware. This gives the end user, you lot, the ability to keep your recorder up-to-date. Firmware updates fix any minor bugs but more often than not add functionality and improve the performance and ease of use of the recorder.

What is firmware? Firmware is the software which controls your digital voice recorder, think of it as the operating system for your recorder much like Windows is for your PC and OS X for your Mac.

For more details on the latest version of firmware for the Olympus DM-3 and DM-5 recorders, where to get the firmware and a step by step guide on how to install the firmware using a Windows or Mac computer head to our main blog (here's a tip, click on this blogs title and you will go straight there).

Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11.5 - An iPhone app, Twitter & Facebook Updates

Nuance last month announced a bump to Dragon NaturallySpeaking from version 11 to version 11.5. Whats new? Well just the usual: it's faster, it's more accurate, it's more user friendly and oh yeah, there is an iPhone app.

What the? Yep, rumours of Nuance and Apple cosying up together have been rife over the last few months and with an iPhone app Nuance are tipping a nod to the Cupertino resident as well of course to acknowledging the huge percentage of Windows users who love their iPhones.

The Dragon Remote Mic app (available now on an iTunes store near you) will use your iPhone (or iPad) across wi-fi to provide a wireless mic into Dragon NaturallySpeaking.

Surging ahead also in this release is easy voice integration to post Facebook and Twitter updates without lifting a finger or in my case lifting my legs from off my desk as I recline back in a relaxed dictating posture.

The excitement of the Dragon Mic app being available now soon subsides when you jump into NaturallySpeaking to check for updates - there are none, yet. Should be out mid to end July 2011 so check for updates regularly.

The Dragon Remote mic app is only for Premium, Pro and Legal users. All registered version 11 usres (yes including you people using Home) will get the free upgrade to version 11.5 via download when it comes out.

Read more and see some Nuance videos on how to post to twitter and facebook and also how to configure the remote mic app with NaturallySpeaking 11.5 over on our main blog.