Thursday, 28 July 2011

Mac OS X 10.7 Lion - Not Friendly With MacSpeech Scribe

Since the flurry of new releases in the last week from both Apple, with OS X 10.7 Lion and Nuance with Dragon Dictate 2.5, we have had a few phone calls and emails asking about some of the older MacSpeech products.

Not so much MacSpeech Dictate as most users seem to have upgraded to the Nuance offering of 2.0 but many are still using MacSpeech Scribe. Like most Apple users they are keen to get their hands on the latest and greatest anything from Apple.

Unfortunatly, in an update on the Nuance for Mac wesbite, the news is out that MacSpeech Scribe is not supported in OS X 10.7 Lion and users of this product will need to stay on 10.6 Snow Leopard if they want to continue using MacSpeech Scribe.

MacSpeech Scribe takes only recorded audio from a digital voice recorder and transcribes voice to text rather than speaking directly to your Mac.

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