Saturday, 11 May 2013

Windows 8 Compatible Transcription Software - Olympus ODMS

Olympus Audio have gone through some changes over the last year to eighteen months. Regular updates to their range of digital voice recorders and professional digital dictaphones are a given. Olympus are all over industry advancements in microphones and with cheaper memory revamps to the recorders are commonplace. Rarer though are changes to major versions of their software, minor versions are typical with updates and bug fixes.

DSS Player Pro (R5) -> ODMS (R6)

In early 2012 Olympus changed the name of their professional dictation and transcription module software from DSS Player Pro to Olympus Dictation Management System or ODMS. On the outside to the user not alot changed, other than a colourful green dictation module or vibrant orange transcription module splash screen. Under the hood Olympus kept innovating and moving with the times. Some of the key software tweaks seen in R6 were:

  • Support for 256bit encryption audio files
  • Improved interoperability with Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12 Premium & Pro
  • Background voice-to-text using Dragon - this is a key feature improvement
  • Windows 8 support in R6.1
  • Office 2012 64bit support in R6.1

Olympus Transcription Software for Windows

Olympus continue to lead the way in the digital dictation and transcription world and with ODMS surge ahead even further, especially with their encryption and workflow solutions for secure dictation and transcription, key for all legal and medical firms. ODMS is at home in a small practicewith one or two typists or in a large enterprise covering multiple locations across towns, states or even countries. 

Out of the box you receive a single install licence for Windows and a single install licence for Mac. Managing many licence keys is fine for small business for for larger firms Olympus have the option to convert the transcription module and the dictation module software to a site or multi-user licence (MUL). The MUL will convert your single install licences to one licences for concurrent use.

Olympus ODMS leading the way in professional digital dictation and transcription software.

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