Sunday, 2 June 2013

How To Transfer Your Olympus Dictation or Transcription Module from One Computer To Another

Often computers are being upgraded, as hardware becomes cheaper and processors faster it can be more cost effective to just buy a new PC rather update internals. When you upgrade the process of transferring your software and data begins, data is easy software not so much.

In the case of Olympus software for Windows, ODMS (Olympus Dictation Management System) or its predecessor DSS Player Pro, for both the dictation and transcription module you require a software license key. The licence key comes with the software and is supplied with the pro digital dictaphones and transcription kits and is usually located on a small, square green piece of paper, the size of a compact disk.

Often though, people discard the serial number or it gets lost over time. Your license key is unique to you, only you know it, do giving your local Olympus audio dealer or Olympus themselves a call is not going to help you.

Luckily there is a way to find your licence key. In our latest blog post we look at finding the serial number and how to transfer your Olympus software from one computer to another. The post covers the Windows software and also DSS Player Plus for Mac. Click this blogs title to go straight there.

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