Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Olympus Dictation App - Record and Send Encrypted .ds2 Audio From Your Smartphone - Dictate Anytime Anywhere

How can I encrypt the confidential audio I record on my iPhone?

The .m4a files my iPhone records are too big to email, what can I do?

I'm a lawyer/doctor/surgeon what app can I use for dictation?

Dictation and voice recording on smartphones is nothing new. Just take a look at iTunes or Google Play and there are hundreds, from free to very expensive. But the vast majority do not tick all the boxes when you ask the serious questions of your app.

Encryption is probably the biggest issue. If you record confidential audio then you MUST ensure that the audio is encrypted between the device and the recipient of your audio, usually your transcription typist or typing pool.

File size usually comes next. You are a busy professional, you don't have time to wait for your dictation to send across the cellular network or wifi, you need smaller highly compressed yet still high quality audio files.

Digital Speech Standard Pro (or .ds2 audio files) have been designed to be small, highly compressed and can be encrypted. The .ds2 audio file format is used by the worlds leaders in dictation; Olympus, Philips and Grundig.

Olympus have an iPhone and Android app called Olympus Dictation which ticks all of the above when you combine the app with an Olympus Dictation Delivery Service (ODDS) Subscription.

Whether you are based in the US, UK, Australia or anywhere the world the team at Dictate can help setup you up on a FREE 60 day trial of Olympus ODDS Dictation App for as many users as you need.

Office and Practice Managers, enabled your dictation users to dictate anywhere at anytime securely on their smartphone, request a free 60 day trial for as many devices as you need from Dictate.

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